(LIVE) Favorite Jeans Cloth Sash Bag - Ruched
See why over 250K bags have been sold
Sash Bags are rated 4.7 out of 1,358 Reviews
Available for purchase in the US and Canada. US and international orders will ship from our US warehouse and CAD orders will ship from our Canadian fulfillment center.
Please allow 7 to 10 business days for live sale orders to ship.
True blue jean cloth denim on the front and a "faded" blue on the reverse.
Available in unembellished (Classic finish) or with ruched (gathered) fabric on the front of the bag. All hardware is Silver.
We will keep this special order open for a couple weeks, then go into production, which will take about 6-7 months. You can pay in full now, pay over four bi-weekly payments with ShopPay, or pay a 50% deposit now and a 50% balance in six months.
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